Cough Treatment: What You Need To Know

3 minute read

By Lucy F.

Discover effective cough treatments for relief. Soothe irritation, reduce inflammation, and ease breathing. Natural remedies, OTC meds, and medical interventions can all help. Exploring the possibilities can lead you to the right cough treatment for you.

What Causes a Cough?

A cough is a natural reflex that helps to protect the lungs and airways from irritants.1 It is triggered by the irritation of the receptors in the respiratory tract, which sends a signal to the brain. The brain then sends a signal back to the muscles in the chest and abdomen, causing them to contract and expel air from the lungs.

There are many different things that can cause a cough, including:

How to Treat a Cough

The best way to treat a cough depends on the underlying cause. In most cases, a cough will go away on its own within a few weeks. However, there are some things that can be done to help relieve the symptoms of a cough, including:

Natural Cough Remedies

There are a number of natural cough remedies that can help to relieve the symptoms of a cough, including:

Learn More About Cough Treatments

If you have a cough that lasts for more than 2 weeks or is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, or chest pain, it is important to see a doctor. A doctor can help to determine the cause of your cough and recommend the best treatment. Research can help you prepare to meet with your doctor.

Lucy F.
